How to start a Mom Blog

If you are just beginning your journey as a mom blogger, this may be the 87th article that you have read that promises to offer good advice. Here’s what you have probably learned so far by reading posts about the world of mom blogging.

1. Create a Niche.

Yes, this is sound advice, but if you are a beginning blogger, you may not uncover your niche for months (or years). After all, for your blog to have authenticity, you need to wait to see what comes up in your child’s world that you feel drawn to discuss. 

For example, there’s no need to write about picky eaters if your child eats everything under the sun. 

At this point, don’t feel like you need to be uber focused. Just begin writing and creating. You will uncover your niche at some point.

2. Be careful about what you reveal.

You do need to be careful about what you reveal about your children. You need to consider their safety as well as whether or not the content will prove embarrassing as they grow older.

While this is sound advice, don’t become paralyzed by fear when writing your blog. Write about how your three-month-old blew out her diaper while you were in Target. Will she think that story is embarrassing when she turns 14? Yes, but everything you do and say will be embarrassing to your 14-year-old girl. 

3. Authentic Mom Blog Topics.

You probably have read a lot of advice about being authentic in your blogs. This, also, sounds like great advice. But if you follow a lot of mom blogs, you may notice that a lot of these women have seemingly perfect lives.

Hmmm. We are told to be authentic, but do readers want to follow you if your house and kids are always a mess? Aren’t we supposed to learn from bloggers on how to create the best life for our kids?

The Best Advice for Getting Started on Your Mom Blog

The best advice we can give you for getting started on your mom blog is to START! Quit reading all the input from the experts. Quit worrying about creating a style guide or finding sponsors. Don’t worry if you don’t have a niche. 




Here are some mom blog topics to get you started.

Introduce yourself to your reader

Tell your reader about yourself, kind of like what you would share during a job interview. Your potential reader may be more likely to follow you if she feels connected to you somehow.

Tell your birthing stories

New moms love sharing birthing stories. Share a PG version with your readers on your website. Ask them to write about their own experiences. 

Tell about your childhood

For good or for bad, our own childhoods affect how we parent. It takes a self-aware person to realize this, so you may use your blog to sort through the complicated feelings you may have about your upbringing. 

Write about your area

One of the best niches that you may want to consider is becoming an expert on all things “children” in your neck of the woods. You can start this journey by writing about local parks that your toddlers enjoy. Write about the “moms day out” groups hosted by your local churches. Share the best local pumpkin patches that offer hayrides and cider.

Write about your passion

Some moms go into the role with a drive and passion for one particular subject. For example, perhaps you are a former teacher, and you want to create a language-rich environment for your children. Write about your strategies for instilling the love of reading in your child. 

Write about your favorite things

Have you found products or services that have made parenting easier? Write about your sleep machine, breast pump, pacifier, or meal delivery service that has made life easier for you as you transition into your new role.

Write about relationship changes

Perhaps you are starting a mom blog because you are staying at home with your kids. Write about that transition. What were the challenges? Do you miss work? What are the benefits for staying at home that you never considered?

How has your relationship with your spouse changed since you began your mom blog? Does he support your idea or have reservations?

Hopefully, we have given you some great advice on how to get started on your new venture. Remember, it will take time to gain followers and find your voice. But don’t fret. Enjoy the journey.

This article was originally posted at Mom Marketing Coach.
