How To Manage Time For Your Mom Blog

Running a blog as a parent can be challenging. You often need to find a time where there is none if you want to upload regularly. That is why we made this guide! We want to help you manage your time for creating your mom blog content.

Every business takes time to start. If you can treat your blog like a professional business, results will be sure to follow. The following is what you need to do if you want to improve your time management.

Set Goals for Mom Blog

Set Goals and Make a Schedule

Start by setting goals. That way, you can stay focused on completing tasks for your blog. Doing so also makes it easier to avoid working on projects that do not matter as much.

You will also want to make a schedule for yourself. We have plenty of other blog posts covering how you can do this in more detail, so we will not be going over it again here. However, you might want to get a planner or use a spreadsheet to keep yourself on task.

Figure Out When You are Productive

The next step would be to determine the time of day when you are the most productive. If you are tired at the end of the day, you might feel like you are forcing yourself to write when your kids are sleeping.

The better strategy would be to sleep and try to wake up earlier to do your blogging. In short, know when it is most comfortable for you to write and capitalize on that time.

Work On Similar Steps at Once

We mean that it is easier to work on outlines for multiple posts at one time or that you will work more efficiently if you edit pictures for different posts at the same time.

Working on similar tasks together helps you stay focused for more extended periods. Plus, you will probably feel like you are getting more work done than you usually would.

This also goes for writing. Do your best to write similar posts simultaneously, even if you do not publish them on the same day. The information you need will be easier to access in your head if you are already thinking and writing about it- allowing you to move forward with your planned projects faster.

In other words, switching between topics too fast can slow down your writing output.

Have a Notebook Available

Always Have a Notebook Available

Every type of writer, mom blogs included, should always have a little notebook of some kind on hand. That way, if you have a sudden idea, you can quickly jot it down before you forget. Doing so helps much with time management since you can be thinking about your blog while working on other things in your life.

That way, you are not left staring at a blank word document on your computer. You can start transferring your notes and ideas in right away!

Schedule Your Posts

Uploading to your blog consistently is important. If you have many posts planned, you can have them set to be published on certain days.

It also helps if you schedule the topics you want to work on at the start of the month. That way, you are not wasting time trying to choose what to write about when you should be writing. Scheduling comes a long way in helping you to manage your time better.

Mom Blog article

Don’t Edit and Write

You will only want to edit your post after you have it written out. Instead, you should only be focusing on typing and getting your thoughts down on the page. There is always time to edit when you are done with the post.

When you have your draft finished, then you can edit it and add in your links. You can also take time to go over sections of your piece in more detail during this phase.

Overall, stopping to edit your post will interrupt your flow, meaning that it takes more time to write. You might even want to consider having separate times for writing and editing, so you can go back and review your drafts with a fresh eye.

Mute Your Phone

Mute Your Phone

And finally, you will want to mute your cell phone. We can be easily distracted by our phones, meaning you probably spend more time writing than you need to if you stop to check your notifications every five minutes.

We all are guilty of checking our phones too often, but if you want to learn to be more productive with your blogging time, you will need to silence that cell phone.

This wonderful article was published originally at Mom Marketing Coach.
