Improve Mom Blog’s Traffic Using Social Media

Every blog in its early days will struggle to get enough traffic to sustain it. It’s totally natural, but it is disheartening for many new blogging moms.

Fortunately, there are some simple social media hacks that can help you get more traffic for your blog and grow a loyal audience that will sustain you for the rest of your blogging career!

How Social Media Can Improve Your Mom Blog’s Traffic

First up we have Facebook! The titan of the social media sphere, practically everyone is on Facebook, making it the perfect place to begin your social media work. Best of all, you probably already know quite a few people on Facebook who would happily follow your blog’s page and help promote your posts!

Don’t be afraid to leverage family and friends here! The more exposure you can get the better. Your focus on Facebooks should be to provide excellent, in-depth content that you can promote over and over. Of course, don’t be afraid to promote other people in your niche as well and share the love. This is a great way to make friends and create some good will. Good karma never hurt anyone!

How Social Media Can Improve Your Mom Blog’s Traffic

Of course, not every blog is ideal for Facebook! Some blogs have a stronger focus on photography, food, or fashion than in-depth articles. If that’s what your blog is all about, then Instagram is the place for you.

A social media platform dedicated entirely to photos, Instagram is the perfect place to promote your beautiful, enticing, or delicious photo skills and earn followers that love you for them. Your focus here should be on creating the most alluring photos possible. Make sure they’re well lit, colorful, and fit a cohesive style that your whole blog contributes to.

And don’t be afraid to share articles here as well! Just focus on providing a beautiful image to link people back to your article, and make sure the photo relates to your topic! That way the people who come to your blog from Instagram have something to stick around for beyond your photography skills.

TwitterHow Social Media Can Improve Your Mom Blog’s Traffic

Next up we have Twitter, one of the often overlooked younger brothers of the titans that are Facebook and Instagram. Hopefully, you won’t make the same mistake of underestimating Twitter that many of your competitors do!

If you’re an engaging writer and are proud of your wordsmithing skills, then Twitter is the perfect place to begin finding an audience. Because of the short character limit, Twitter works best for promoting articles on your site with catchy headlines and memorable quotes.

Of course, Twitter has its own unique requirement when compared to Instagram and Facebook, and the focus is more on your existing readers than on new ones. You can use Twitter to remind your audience of a new post, and encourage them to visit your site. When they read your article and love it, encourage them to retweet it to help you reach a broader audience.

If you already have a small, but loyal fan base, Twitter may be a great place to get started on your social media growth, letting you leverage existing readers to gain a new and highly engaged audience.

How Social Media Can Improve Your Mom Blog’s Traffic

Last, but definitely not least, we have Pinterest! A strange hybrid between Instagram and Facebook, Pinterest requires both great writing and quality graphic design, but the payoff for the extra work is immense.

While a Facebook post or an Instagram photo may last on someone’s feed for four or five minutes, a post on Pinterest can continue to be circled around for years after you initially created it. That means you get a huge return on your time investment, making Pinterest one of the best social media platforms for beginning mom bloggers!

Because of this, Pinterest has a ton of moving parts to keep in mind. Setting up rich pins, joining group boards, and even just the basics of designing pins can all seem super intimidating at first. However, once you’ve done the research and mastered these skills you’ll be a pinning genius in no time, and can reap the rewards Pinterest has to offer as one of the fastest growing social media platforms around!

Thanks to all of these great social media platforms, gaining new traffic for your growing mom blog is more attainable than ever. Since everyone already congregates on these platforms, why not take advantage of them? They’re free, easy to use and learn, and the perfect way to jumpstart your blog’s growth and success!

This article was originally posted at Mom Marketing Coach.
