Affiliate Marketing Mommy Blogger

What got you interested in blogging? Was it the promise of connecting with other like-minded moms? Did you begin blogging as a way to archive the day-to-day life of your children? Or did you become a mommy blogger to earn an extra income?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. But today, we are going to focus on how to make money by blogging.

We will give you eight simple steps on how to complete an affiliate marketing blog. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Create a website.

Look at our earlier post on how to use WordPress to create an inexpensive but beautiful website. Even those who aren’t particularly tech-savvy should be able to read through our steps to create and post a website that you would be proud of sharing.

2. Develop a niche.

Think about your interests. If your children are old enough to form opinions, think about their interests as well. The narrower your focus, the better. For example, is your child a swimmer? Is she interested in golf or horseback riding?

Perhaps you are interested in children’s fashion. Maybe you are into kid-oriented subscription boxes. Really, anything would work as long as there is a product or service that you can help promote with your blog.

3. Make a list of products or services you enjoy related to your niche.

Look at your credit card statement. What store names appear with frequency?

Maybe your money is not spent at traditional stores. Perhaps you spend a lot of money on camps or experiences for your children.

Regardless, think about what products or services you would recommend to a friend who has children with the same interests.

4. Look for affiliate marketing opportunities.

Hundreds of websites will help you find affiliate marketing opportunities based on your interests. Google “affiliate marketing programs for . . . “ and you will find lists for children’s books, homeschooling, and outdoor enthusiasts.

For authenticity, try to find affiliate marketing opportunities for products you love instead of the other way around. Your posts will have a much truer voice, and your readers will trust you more than if you were obviously trying to sell a product you don’t care about.

5. Sign up for marketing programs.

If you were able to figure out how to create a website on your own, signing up for an affiliate marketing program will be a piece of cake. Since each marketing program works differently, make sure you read the fine print.

6. Create content that drives business to your partners.

Write a buyer’s guides, reviews, and how-to guides. Create videos or write articles. Include your unique-to-you affiliate links within your content.

7. Spread your message.

We’re not going to lie. The hardest part of this entire process is finding an audience to interact with your blog. Use social media, email marketing, or a hot air balloon to drive traffic to your blog.

8. Spend your money.

Oh, the joy you will feel the first time you earn an income through your mommy blog! But since you are a mommy, that money will quickly leave your account to pay for tuba lessons, acne cream, or a team pizza party.

This simple step-by-step guide will get you started on creating a mommy affiliate marketing blog. Why would you want to go through so much hassle?

You can earn income while you sleep.

Have you heard of passive income? Passive income is money you earn with little effort. You can earn passive income from rental properties, by selling ebooks, or through affiliate marketing. Passive income still takes work, but once the job is complete, you will still earn money.

You can get paid to learn about the products and services you care about.

Another reason to add an affiliate marketing program to your mommy blog is that it will give you a reason to dive deeper into products or services that are already important to you.

You can become closer to your children while learning about things they love.

If your children love Lego sets, you can spend time together reviewing them, writing buyer’s guides, and producing video content. Your children will get to do something they love, and you will get to spend time with your kids.

You can help others.

Sometimes the goods or services that you promote are for entertainment or recreation, but you also could promote products to assist parents with common childhood problems.

If you are already an affiliate marketer, share your success stories with us!

This article was originally posted at Mom Marketing Coach!
