You have thoughts to share and products to recommend or to sell, but you may not have the technical knowledge on how to start a mommy blog. Perhaps that’s what is keeping you from taking that first step. 

Don’t let your lack of knowledge keep you from sharing your ideas with the world. Let us help you walk through the process of creating your online space.  

While this article is focused on WordPress, know that you have options. WordPress is extremely popular, and millions of users have created blogs, business websites, eCommerce sites, portfolios, and resumes using WordPress. In fact, some studies say that WordPress powers over 34% of websites. But you can also start your website using the uniquely-named Wix, Weebly, and Jimdo. WordPress has plenty of competition.

Once you begin looking into WordPress, you will notice that there seem to be two versions. One is, and the other is Without getting too deep into the reasons why, you should use if you plan to do affiliate marketing on your site. 

1. Purchase hosting 

Before jumping into and creating your site, you need to take care of a small piece of technical housekeeping. You first need to purchase a hosting platform for your website.

Every website that you look at throughout your day has a host that “powers” it. Without a host, no one will be able to see your content. It’s kind of important. 

WordPress recommends hosting platforms on its website, such as Bluehost, DreamHost, and SiteGround. Each hosting site has a variety of packages available in different price points, but some start as low as $3 a month. You can’t purchase hosting and your domain name through

We know this process sounds intimidating, but these hosting companies make the process as painless as possible. Once you pick which package is best for you, you will be asked if you have a domain name or not. This is the next step in the process of creating your mommy blog. 

2. Purchase a domain name

Your domain name is your website’s address, such as

You can purchase your domain through a variety of methods, but since you are reading this step-by-step guide, and technology may not be your “thing,” we would recommend that you purchase your domain name from your hosting company. For example, Bluehost makes it incredibly simple. 

Bluehost charges a small fee to help you obtain your domain name, but this domain is yours for however many years you choose. You won’t have to change your website name if you decide to switch hosting platforms at a later date. You will be able to take your website’s name with you.

3. Install WordPress

You can install WordPress on your own. It’s free. If you choose to use Bluehost as your hosting company, you can easily install the software from their website as well. 

Bluehost will walk you through the process of installing WordPress, but if you miss it, log into Bluehost and click the Create Site button. 

3. Create your content

Once you have a hosting site and a domain name, you are ready to create your content using WordPress. 

WordPress will walk you through the process of creating your first blog post. From the WordPress dashboard, click on the “Posts” link and then choose “Add New.” To write your text, you literally need to click and type. You can add images and videos using their rather intuitive system.

4. Seek help when you need it

One benefit of using WordPress is that you will have no trouble finding help when you need it. Search for YouTube videos to walk you through the process or help you when you get stuck. 

If you are frustrated with the process, or you are concerned that your lack of expertise will make your website look childish, you may consider hiring a freelancer to manage your site. 

5. Promote your website

Once you have gone to the trouble to create your website, it is time to learn how to promote it or to create content that allows people to find it easily. Promoting your website is the subject for another series of articles (or books). Remember that this is a necessary step in the process. Don’t feel as if you will immediately receive likes, shares, or comments on your work. It’s a long journey.

Hopefully, this is enough information to get you started on creating a blog using WordPress. While there are many other methods and software available to share your content with the world, this guide was meant to offer the most straightforward, fastest way to get started. Good luck!  

This article was originally posted at Mom marketing Coach.
