Mom Blog Post 5 Key Elements

The goal of this article is not to impress you but to educate you.

When you start with your mom blogging journey, it’s like you’re back to that first day in your first job where you feel totally lost. The office looks like a large room full of experienced people who are ready to eat you alive the moment you do the first dumbest thing that you can do in that office, which you eventually will because you are clueless!

Now, know this.

The online world is not just a large room but a sea of 1.8 billion websites competing against each other for the attention of over 3 billion people who have access to the internet. Translated in simple terms, one person has 3 billion options on where to look at when they open their browsers.

Now that sounds like an oversimplification of things, but with that statistics, how can your Mom blog or online store stand out? Why will a user look at your website? Why spend a few seconds staying at your website when they have over a billion other options?

The answer is this: give them a reason to stay from the time they land on your page until they read the very last word.

In this blog post, you’ll learn not only one but five elements of a blog post that might keep a reader  longer in your website.

There’s no better time to know this than now:

The power of your website to make readers stay is one of the first factors that Google considers in ranking your website.

Now, let’s begin.

A Great Structure

In our previous post, we talked about how to brainstorm content for your mom blog.

While you do this, take note of Brian Dean’s advice.

He said that it would be helpful to look into websites offering online courses like Udemy, Alison, and Open2Study to discover topics with huge viewership under your particular niche.

Focus on the courses which many people have enrolled to, especially those they paid for. The reason is obvious. If thousands or millions of people studied that course and even paid for it, then that much people will also be interested in your blog post if you write about it!

The next step is to look into the curriculum of that course and use it as a basis for your structure. This way, you don’t need to do a trial and error to find out which topic and structure to useso you can have more viewership.

Bucket Brigades

Also from Brian Dean, this strategy has been used by salesmen in writing letters to prospective clients.

Bucket brigades is simply the use of terms like, “Look, “See this,” “Here’s what,” “The two common problems are,” and “Stay with me,” among others. If you notice, these terms will make you scroll down because they demand attention from readers. They are great statements that will hook readers to keep reading.

SEO Keywords and their Synonyms

We all know the importance of inserting keywords that are aimed at increasing our rankings in Google. Whether or not you know how to research for keywords, this is one of the fundamentals of a good blog post.

However, Google has grown more intelligent these days that using the same keywords frequently in the post is not enough to give you a high ranking. Google has to see what we call the LSI seasoned in your post. LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing which refers to keywords related to your main keywords.

Simply put, you also have to season your post with keywords that are synonymous or closely related to your main keywords so that Google can pinpoint where you want to rank.

For example, if you want to optimize your blog post for ‘baby bottles,’ you can’t just use this term and mention it frequently in your article. You have to use words like ‘feeding bottles’ or ‘baby feeding bottles’ so that Google will understand that you want users to find you when they look for feeding bottles for babies.

Case Studies

When you look at Neil Patel’s blog posts, you will find each of them filled with case studies from beginning to end.

Case studies refer to statistics and published research works related to the topic you’re writing about. Without a case study, your blog post will just be a collection of opinions without solid facts to back them up.

Sentences or paragraphs showing statistics about your topic will boost the credibility that your post needs for people to trust you.


Another key element of an effective blog post is the presence of headings. Headings give your post a direction so that readers will easily find hints on what the post is all about.

Make the headings relatable and easy to understand so your readers will be able to grasp how your post can help them by simply looking at these headings.

At the end of the day

These five key elements can only do so much in increasing your Google rankings but they can never replace a great research work that you put in and the ability to clearly communicate information to your readers.

Make no mistake.

These key elements that we’ve discussed is not a guarantee of wide viewership. There are tons of other factors to consider to make that happen. But as a beginner, these elements will open your eyes to the competition you are up to and hopefully, give you a good fight.

How sure are we?

Well, as sure as our sources are, because these tips are from SEO experts themselves, like Brian Dean and Neil Patel, who have studied the Google algorithm for many years. These blog writing techniques gave them over 100% increase in viewership and they have the numbers to back it up!

This article was originally posted Mom Marketing Coach
