Congratulations on your decision to start a mom blog!

Just like all pursuits in life, you’ll not get it perfectly the first time and that’s okay! As the cliche goes, everything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.

Of course, there are exceptions, but what I’m saying is that you don’t need to be disheartened as you bump into the gutters of the learning curve in this mom blogging journey.

And unlike ten years back, today, you can tap so many resources online every time you feel lost while you’re blogging. You have Wikipedia as the main source of legit information about anything. You have Google News to check for the latest updates on more serious matters. And you have, of course, Google itself to search for literally everything under the sun.

Just in case you get too overwhelmed, here are a few tips on how to look like a pro mom blogger even on your first week of blogging.

Start with the name

The success of your blog starts with the name you’re going to choose. It has to catch the attention of your target audience and showcase the identity of your blog. Keep in mind that the shorter your name is, the easier it is to recall. Come up with a name that contains all of these elements and you’ll surely have a winner in no time.

Find your passion

The passion you feel for a goal or a field of interest you want to pursue is the fuel you’ll need to keep going. It’s crucial to discover what you’re passionate about and focus on learning everything about the matter at hand. It can be something simple, like writing poetry, or something as complex as building cars.

No matter what you’re passion may be, you need to go out into the world and find it. Otherwise, you’ll be tossed in the wind by any trend or fad that comes along your way. Create social media accounts too and add awesome content on your Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts.

Find out your strengths

Have you found your passion? If you have, it’s time to identify your strengths and capitalize on them.  You need to find out what you’re good at so you can know how to focus your passion. At the same time, you also need to learn the areas where you’re weak. Knowing these things will help you improve and take your blog to the next level.

Keep learning

Now comes the exciting part – learning. Most people balk at the idea of learning new things but you shouldn’t. It’s a key element to your blog’s success. You need to read every significant article about your specific field of interest and watch every tutorial video that comes along with it.

You might also be interested in attending workshops or speaking to those who have been doing your passion for the longest time. Just keep yourself humble and hungry for the idea of learning and you’ll definitely go far with your blog.

Do interviews

Speaking of connecting with the right people, it’s also vital to interview them once in a while. You’re going to gain several benefits in achieving this goal.

First off, you get to learn from these people and the experience they have gained over the years. Second, you get the chance to practice your communication skills, both in speaking and writing.

Last, but definitely not the least, you get to have awesome content for your blog. Do these interviews on a regular basis, add some amazing photos, and your blog’s online presence and reputation will exceed your expectations. As you do that, keep in mind these 5 key elements in of a great blog post.

Be authentic

No one wants to read and follow a blog that doesn’t show any personality. People are attracted to authenticity and allergic to anything fake. Make it a point to connect to your target audience with utmost sincerity.

Try to learn the culture and find out what drives them in this life. Soon enough, your posts will connect to these people by adding value to their lives. The key point here is to always bring that personal touch to your blog.

Things like responding to comments, writing in an easy-to-understand style, and showing a bit of your daily routine will go a long way in connecting to the crowd.

This article was originally posted to Mom Marketing Coach
