How to Introduce Affiliate Marketing in Your Mommy Blog

How to Introduce Affiliate Marketing in Your Mommy Blog

Affiliate Marketing in Your Mommy Blog

Perhaps you have been blogging for a while and have been lucky enough to earn a loyal following. Congratulations to you! It’s tough to get noticed in this competitive field. 

While you care about your audience and the message of your blog, you need to earn a more significant income. Kids aren’t cheap, and as they age their clothes, toys, and activities become more expensive. Plus, nine-year-old boys eat like a horse. 

It’s only natural that you would try to earn more money from your blogging habit by signing up for affiliate marketing programs. 

Here are some simple steps to get started: 

Step 1 – Choose Your Niche

Since you are visiting our website, I’m going to take a wild guess that your blog is somewhat “kid” related. When it comes to choosing affiliate marketing programs, you may want to narrow your scope a bit.

Perhaps you are a dance or ice-skating mom. You probably have spent hours bedazzling costumes, and you know all the best tools and tricks for maneuvering through that world. Capitalize on this knowledge. Maybe your blog can offer suggestions on the best reading glasses to purchase now that you have ruined your eyes from too much bedazzling.

Maybe your child has struggled as a reader, but you have found resources and strategies that you would like to recommend to parents going through similar issues. Why not make money from your recommendations?

Do you have the girliest girl who loves to dress in boutique-style clothes? If you are raising a model-in-the-making, why not make some extra cash along the way by offering an affiliate marketing program that focuses on kid fashion?

If you have been writing for a while, you probably already have a niche. It’s time to capitalize on that knowledge by sharing your favorite products and services with others.

Step 2 – Form Opinions

Your savvy readers will smell a rat from a mile away. They will be able to tell whether you are a genuine user and fan of a product, or if you are just saying you are to make some extra money. Find products that you really do use and enjoy.

Marketing experts know that this kind of publicity works to sell a product. In fact, millennials are more likely to trust the opinions of someone they view as a peer instead of any other form of traditional advertising. 

Make a list of all the products and service you interact with that relate to your niche. Feel free to play with topics that are not directly related but are loosely connected.

For example, maybe your child’s dance team habit means that you travel to competitions around the country. Expand the scope of your affiliate marketing campaigns, so you write about dance-related travel. 

Step 3 – Sign up for the Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program

Sure, there are other affiliate marketing programs out there, but since you use amazon, and your readers already use Amazon, why not start there?

Another benefit of using Amazon is that you can find any product imaginable on their website.

It’s an easy process. Here are the basic requirements.

If you are starting an affiliate marketing program on your website, you must own your own website. The content must be recent or no more than 60 days old. There must be at least ten posts, and the site must be live and viewable by the general public. 

You can also run an affiliate marketing program through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Twitch.TV groups. Your social network account must be already established with at least 500 members. It, too, must be publicly available.

Once you have signed up, you need to have at least three sales within the first 180 days. You can’t make the sales on your own; they have to be from a third-party source.

Finally, you need to comply with Amazon’s extensive list of rules and regs. It’s Amazon, so they take their practices seriously. Here’s the complete list. Some of the regulations are written in shouty-voiced ALL CAPS, so you know they mean business.

One of the most important things to remember is that you need to identify yourself as an Amazon associate by using these words:  “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” You cannot offer anyone a reward or incentive for using your links. You can’t say that proceeds from particular orders will go to a charity or non-profit organization. 

Step 4 – Continue Producing Content

You need to be prepared before you sign up to become an Amazon associate. Amazon has high expectations that you will start driving sales within the first five months, so you really need to have your ducks in a row before you apply.

Good luck in expanding your mommy blog. Remember to stay true to your message, and your readers will follow.

The Importance of Authenticity When Writing a Mommy Blog

The Importance of Authenticity When Writing a Mommy Blog

I didn’t grow up in the South, and neither did my Mom. But every time I hear Miranda Lambert’s drawl mimic her mama’s advice to “hide your crazy,” I always think of my own Mom.

My Mom was the queen of stoicism, a trait that I honestly admire and tried to mimic most of my life. My Mom always put people at ease with her calm voice and absence of outbursts. I grew up with zero stress because my Mom wasn’t one to complain or express dissatisfaction. This doesn’t mean that Mom didn’t have hardships or difficulties. She just didn’t feel that it was very lady-like to share them.

While my Mom had plenty of friends and lived a perfectly comfortable life, she wasn’t the first person people turned to for a good story. She wasn’t the life of the party, and she wasn’t one who you felt you could pour your heart out to unless you knew her well. Because of this, my Mom would have been a lousy blogger. She wouldn’t have shared enough. She wouldn’t have been authentic enough.

To have a successful mommy blog, you have to have readers. To keep readers, you have to offer value to your content by telling a good story or giving good advice. And you need to be authentic. Here’s how to show authenticity in your writing.

Tell It Like It Is

One of my favorite mommy bloggers is the queen of honesty. She writes about how exhausted she was after entertaining her three kids for almost an hour in the doctor’s examination room. She stops and takes a quick photo of her youngest, who is screaming on the floor at Target because she didn’t like how her socks felt on her feet. 

Of course, you wouldn’t want to read about this chaos every day, and people might start to judge you if all your photos depict red-faced kids throwing fits. But reading about this blogger’s issues may make someone feel a little better about your three-year-old threatening to throw away your phone, makeup, and a coffee mug because you didn’t peel her banana right. Reading about how a blogger’s toddler woke up with a wad of gum stuck under her armpit might make you feel better when you just caught your little darling washing her hair in the toilet.

Try to Write Like You Talk

Some bloggers get so caught up by trying to depict a perfect life that their writing style suffers. They begin to sound like anal-retentive English teachers instead of regular moms who are just trying to get through their day.

If your tone is more formal and less conversational, try telling someone else what you want to write about in your blog before you sit down to write it. Sometimes writers start off loose and easy, but after a series of edits, their writing ends up being too stuffy and impersonal. 

Quit editing so much. You’re not writing for the New York Times. No one expects your writing to be perfect, and no one cares if it is. If you live your life peppered with four-letter-words, use them in your writing. 

If you are really ticked off with your husband because he threatens the kids with ridiculous punishments that he can never follow through on so the kids lose respect for you and start acting like a bunch of barbarians, don’t worry if you just wrote the longest-run-on sentence ever. Get it out, girl.

Get Off Your High Horse

I’m an eye-roller. I always have been. My Mom used to tell me that if I got hit on the back of my head during an eye roll, my eyes would stay that way. It’s a bad habit, so since I’m a grownup, I try to limit my eye rolls to times when no one is looking, or else I do an “inner” eye roll, which only I know about.

When I read Mom blogs of women who LOVE their kids SOOO much and have the PERFECT spouse who takes her on OMG – a SURPRISE weekend to wine country, I have to be careful not to hit the back of my head.

Where I grew up, people who talked like that were said to be on a “high horse,” which is kind of a funny expression when you think about it. 

Not only are you making the rest of us feel bad about our unglamorous lives, but you are also losing readers too. 

So, forget about hiding your crazy. Let it all out. Your readers will thank you for it. 

This article was originally posted to Mom Marketing Coach

How to Look Like a Pro Mom Blogger When You’re New

How to Look Like a Pro Mom Blogger When You’re New

Congratulations on your decision to start a mom blog!

Just like all pursuits in life, you’ll not get it perfectly the first time and that’s okay! As the cliche goes, everything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first.

Of course, there are exceptions, but what I’m saying is that you don’t need to be disheartened as you bump into the gutters of the learning curve in this mom blogging journey.

And unlike ten years back, today, you can tap so many resources online every time you feel lost while you’re blogging. You have Wikipedia as the main source of legit information about anything. You have Google News to check for the latest updates on more serious matters. And you have, of course, Google itself to search for literally everything under the sun.

Just in case you get too overwhelmed, here are a few tips on how to look like a pro mom blogger even on your first week of blogging.

Start with the name

The success of your blog starts with the name you’re going to choose. It has to catch the attention of your target audience and showcase the identity of your blog. Keep in mind that the shorter your name is, the easier it is to recall. Come up with a name that contains all of these elements and you’ll surely have a winner in no time.

Find your passion

The passion you feel for a goal or a field of interest you want to pursue is the fuel you’ll need to keep going. It’s crucial to discover what you’re passionate about and focus on learning everything about the matter at hand. It can be something simple, like writing poetry, or something as complex as building cars.

No matter what you’re passion may be, you need to go out into the world and find it. Otherwise, you’ll be tossed in the wind by any trend or fad that comes along your way. Create social media accounts too and add awesome content on your Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts.

Find out your strengths

Have you found your passion? If you have, it’s time to identify your strengths and capitalize on them.  You need to find out what you’re good at so you can know how to focus your passion. At the same time, you also need to learn the areas where you’re weak. Knowing these things will help you improve and take your blog to the next level.

Keep learning

Now comes the exciting part – learning. Most people balk at the idea of learning new things but you shouldn’t. It’s a key element to your blog’s success. You need to read every significant article about your specific field of interest and watch every tutorial video that comes along with it.

You might also be interested in attending workshops or speaking to those who have been doing your passion for the longest time. Just keep yourself humble and hungry for the idea of learning and you’ll definitely go far with your blog.

Do interviews

Speaking of connecting with the right people, it’s also vital to interview them once in a while. You’re going to gain several benefits in achieving this goal.

First off, you get to learn from these people and the experience they have gained over the years. Second, you get the chance to practice your communication skills, both in speaking and writing.

Last, but definitely not the least, you get to have awesome content for your blog. Do these interviews on a regular basis, add some amazing photos, and your blog’s online presence and reputation will exceed your expectations. As you do that, keep in mind these 5 key elements in of a great blog post.

Be authentic

No one wants to read and follow a blog that doesn’t show any personality. People are attracted to authenticity and allergic to anything fake. Make it a point to connect to your target audience with utmost sincerity.

Try to learn the culture and find out what drives them in this life. Soon enough, your posts will connect to these people by adding value to their lives. The key point here is to always bring that personal touch to your blog.

Things like responding to comments, writing in an easy-to-understand style, and showing a bit of your daily routine will go a long way in connecting to the crowd.

This article was originally posted to Mom Marketing Coach

Seven Interesting Reasons Why Every Mom Should Have a Blog

Seven Interesting Reasons Why Every Mom Should Have a Blog

These days when opening your laptop is like going outdoors and meeting tons of people, you don’t really need to be away from home to reach out to the world. Communicating with your friends and family and with people whom you share the same interests with can be done within the confines of your home. That in itself is a lot of fun!

Gone are the days when women with children seem to be locked inside the toxic world of motherhood, without anything else to do but to take care of their children. Now, you can do so much more, learn so many things, and connect to the world even when you’re a stay-at-home mom. But a lot of moms like me have discovered that there’s a way to use that global access for something more productive. That’s by having your own mom blog!

You may be hearing this ‘mom blogging’ for the first time. In that case, you might want to read our earlier post about how to start a mom blog. And if you decide to push through with this journey, you’ll be one of the thousands to millions of moms out there who took this path and hopefully, you’ll love it too.

As for me, these are the reasons why I find mom blogging very helpful for all the mommies out there.

It’s fun.

When all you do for the rest of the day is to change nappies, cook meals for your kids, play with them until they get tired, and take a peek on social media when they’re too tired to play, you’ll surely find mom blogging sooo fun!

Imagine sharing your ideas to the whole world for free and exchanging thoughts with those who have the same experience as yours. You can share the ups and downs of being a mother. You can tell your fellow moms about the hacks on how to make a mom’s life easier.  Above all, you can be yourself and share your passion to tons of people without having to leave the house. Isn’t that fun?

You can earn from it.

In case you don’t know it yet, a lot of mom bloggers out there are earning millions of dollars by sharing their true selves to the world through their blog sites. If other blogs can be monetized, you can moneytize your mom blog too! Not that we’re saying you should do mom blogging for this sole reason, but if you can earn while having fun, why not?

You can destress through it.

Moms understand that our journey involves a lot of inner battles. Our daily environment may be filled with children’s laughter and silliness, but there are private moments when you just want to give up. It’s during these stressful times that mom blogging can help you.

Instead of keeping everything inside, you can share your thoughts and feelings through your mom blog. It could be a personal journal of your struggles and victories as a mom. This will help you de-stress. Plus, you might get some insights and tips from moms like you on how to handle what you’re going through.

You will learn from it.

As you do mom blogging, you will realize that this journey requires learning new things. In fact, writing posts in your blog will lead you to the routine of researching. If you’re not the type of mom who reads a lot, don’t panic! Doing online research for your blog is not as boring as it sounds.

If you’re writing about what you love, like pop culture or the Marvel Universe for example, then reading about it will never bore you. It won’t feel like working at all. What’s great about blogging is that your knowledge base will only grow as you write more.

You will know yourself better.

Speaking of more, another good thing about mom blogging is that you will discover more about yourself. As you brainstorm content for your mom blog, you will find out more about your interests – what topics are dearest to you, what things you want to learn more about, and which ones you write the best about. You’ll discover new passions and pursuits. Your journey to self-discovery will grow deeper as your horizons expand in the world of blogging.

It will help you become a better mom.

When you know yourself so well and you continue to discover new things while mom blogging, you’ll also have more things to share with your children. When you have a passion that keeps you going every day, you’ll be happier and more content. You will have an outlet when you’re too stressed and you’ll have a sense of purpose. As you become a better person, your children will be the biggest beneficiary.

You should contribute to the mom community.

Since I’ve been mom blogging for years, I see it now as a responsibility to the mom community. We know that being a mother is not easy and if you have the chance to make it less burdensome for another mom, wouldn’t you do it? I would. What can stop us when we have free access to the internet and there are websites that offer blog domains for free?

You can help other moms out there by sharing what you know through mom blogging or by simply being an inspiration to all of us that a mother can have a meaningful life apart from rearing her children.  

This article was originally posted at Mom Marketing Coach

Five Content Ideas for your Mom Blog’s Social Media

Five Content Ideas for your Mom Blog’s Social Media

Mom Blog’s Five Content Ideas

Social media marketing has been one of the most effective strategies in introducing a brand. It’s also a proven tool to sustain a good reputation.

The question is, have you been using social media to boost your business presence? And if you are, are you using it the right way?

These are the questions that we plan to address in this post. If you’re encountering problems like not knowing how to start in marketing your online shop or mom blog through social media or running out of content to share, you’ve come to the right place.

What we’d like to share with you first is that you can’t post just about anything in your online shop or mom blog’s social media accounts. But you cannot be too careful either that you tend not to post anything at all.

For us, the perfect balance lies in the diversity and sufficiency of content that you share in these accounts. Here are some content ideas that will help keep your social media presence consistent.

Blog Posts

Obviously, if you’re a mom blogger with your own blog site, you should publish these blog posts to your social media accounts. If you write once, twice, or even more frequently in a week, then you should have more content to post in your social media accounts.

Even online shops should have a blog page in their website where posts can be published. This is where your ideas, tips, explanations, and elaboration about your products and services can be written.

Quick notes on publishing blog posts to social media:

  • Always upload an attractive featured image that goes with the link to your blog post
  • Make a very short description as the caption for the link post
  • Instagram doesn’t show a clickable link so you might want to shorten the URL of your post by using third-party apps or programs like Rebrandly
  • Better to have a uniform caption across all social media accounts for consistency

Your Own Photos

Photos are eye candies. This has been proven by the popularity of Instagram as a photo-sharing site. People love sharing and looking at photos whatever those photos may be so make sure you show yours.

If you’re selling products from your online shop, share photos of them on some days when you don’t have any new blog post to share. If yours is a mom blog site, share a photo related to your niche and write a catchy caption for it.

Graphic Design

As we said earlier, the content of your social media accounts should be diverse. Aside from purely single photos or collage of photos, post graphics on some days too. This kind of content is more catchy than pure texts and it’s effective in delivering a message at one glance. It could be a graphic design of your promo for the month or an infographic explaining something on your niche.

If your mom blog is about parenting, you might want to share a creative infographic showing a day in a businesswoman-mom’s life. If you’re selling healthy baby products in your online shop, you might want to share graphics showing the advantages of those products. Extend your imagination and go as creative as you can. You have so much time to do that with 7 posts a week, one each day, or more!

Website Pages

Still not enough graphics, photos, and blog posts to share? Then post a link of your website pages to your social media accounts.

Publish a link post of your About page and write a very short summary of it as the caption. Share your Reviews page so your audience can see how trustworthy you are. You can also share links to your Service pages to tell everyone what you can do for them.

Use these website pages to introduce yourself, your products, and your services to your audience little by little.

External Sources

Now, we’re going offsite. You can make your social media posts highly diverse by sharing something interesting from another website every once in a while.

For example, if there’s a latest global news that everyone is talking about, share a link from a news site to your page and put a caption that people can relate to. The same strategy applies when there’s a local news in your country that’s worth sharing.

Some other external sources that you can publish in your social media accounts are links, videos, and photos about trending online topics. They will easily catch the attention of your audience so expect to reap thumbs ups and hearts when you post them!

Last Piece of Advice

Consistency is the name of the game in social media marketing. You cannot stop because you don’t have a content to post. Instead, you should keep looking for content so you’ll have something to share with your audience. This is how you start building and maintaining a strong presence in this marketing arena.

This article was originally posted Mom Marketing Coach

5 Key Elements of a Mom Blog Post

5 Key Elements of a Mom Blog Post

Mom Blog Post 5 Key Elements

The goal of this article is not to impress you but to educate you.

When you start with your mom blogging journey, it’s like you’re back to that first day in your first job where you feel totally lost. The office looks like a large room full of experienced people who are ready to eat you alive the moment you do the first dumbest thing that you can do in that office, which you eventually will because you are clueless!

Now, know this.

The online world is not just a large room but a sea of 1.8 billion websites competing against each other for the attention of over 3 billion people who have access to the internet. Translated in simple terms, one person has 3 billion options on where to look at when they open their browsers.

Now that sounds like an oversimplification of things, but with that statistics, how can your Mom blog or online store stand out? Why will a user look at your website? Why spend a few seconds staying at your website when they have over a billion other options?

The answer is this: give them a reason to stay from the time they land on your page until they read the very last word.

In this blog post, you’ll learn not only one but five elements of a blog post that might keep a reader  longer in your website.

There’s no better time to know this than now:

The power of your website to make readers stay is one of the first factors that Google considers in ranking your website.

Now, let’s begin.

A Great Structure

In our previous post, we talked about how to brainstorm content for your mom blog.

While you do this, take note of Brian Dean’s advice.

He said that it would be helpful to look into websites offering online courses like Udemy, Alison, and Open2Study to discover topics with huge viewership under your particular niche.

Focus on the courses which many people have enrolled to, especially those they paid for. The reason is obvious. If thousands or millions of people studied that course and even paid for it, then that much people will also be interested in your blog post if you write about it!

The next step is to look into the curriculum of that course and use it as a basis for your structure. This way, you don’t need to do a trial and error to find out which topic and structure to useso you can have more viewership.

Bucket Brigades

Also from Brian Dean, this strategy has been used by salesmen in writing letters to prospective clients.

Bucket brigades is simply the use of terms like, “Look, “See this,” “Here’s what,” “The two common problems are,” and “Stay with me,” among others. If you notice, these terms will make you scroll down because they demand attention from readers. They are great statements that will hook readers to keep reading.

SEO Keywords and their Synonyms

We all know the importance of inserting keywords that are aimed at increasing our rankings in Google. Whether or not you know how to research for keywords, this is one of the fundamentals of a good blog post.

However, Google has grown more intelligent these days that using the same keywords frequently in the post is not enough to give you a high ranking. Google has to see what we call the LSI seasoned in your post. LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing which refers to keywords related to your main keywords.

Simply put, you also have to season your post with keywords that are synonymous or closely related to your main keywords so that Google can pinpoint where you want to rank.

For example, if you want to optimize your blog post for ‘baby bottles,’ you can’t just use this term and mention it frequently in your article. You have to use words like ‘feeding bottles’ or ‘baby feeding bottles’ so that Google will understand that you want users to find you when they look for feeding bottles for babies.

Case Studies

When you look at Neil Patel’s blog posts, you will find each of them filled with case studies from beginning to end.

Case studies refer to statistics and published research works related to the topic you’re writing about. Without a case study, your blog post will just be a collection of opinions without solid facts to back them up.

Sentences or paragraphs showing statistics about your topic will boost the credibility that your post needs for people to trust you.


Another key element of an effective blog post is the presence of headings. Headings give your post a direction so that readers will easily find hints on what the post is all about.

Make the headings relatable and easy to understand so your readers will be able to grasp how your post can help them by simply looking at these headings.

At the end of the day

These five key elements can only do so much in increasing your Google rankings but they can never replace a great research work that you put in and the ability to clearly communicate information to your readers.

Make no mistake.

These key elements that we’ve discussed is not a guarantee of wide viewership. There are tons of other factors to consider to make that happen. But as a beginner, these elements will open your eyes to the competition you are up to and hopefully, give you a good fight.

How sure are we?

Well, as sure as our sources are, because these tips are from SEO experts themselves, like Brian Dean and Neil Patel, who have studied the Google algorithm for many years. These blog writing techniques gave them over 100% increase in viewership and they have the numbers to back it up!

This article was originally posted Mom Marketing Coach
